> 文章列表 > 春节前走亲戚合适吗英语



春节前走亲戚合适吗英语 -ZOL问答




2. Many Chinese people usually visit their relatives during the Spring Festival.

答案: relatives. In Chinese culture, it is a common tradition to visit relatives during the Spring Festival. This is a time for families to gather together and strengthen their bonds. According to a survey, around 90% of Chinese people visit their relatives during the Spring Festival. This tradition not only allows people to reconnect with their loved ones, but also promotes unity and harmony within the family.


The English phrase for \"拜访亲戚\" is \"visit relatives\". This phrase is commonly used to describe the act of visiting one\'s relatives, especially during festive occasions like the Spring Festival. For example, many people from other countries come to China to visit their relatives during the Spring Festival.

英语中的春节怎么说? -作业帮

春节有多种说法,包括:Spring Festival、New Year\'s Day in China、Chinese New Year。这些都是专有名词,首字母需要大写。另外,可以在前面加上\"The\",例如\"The Spring Festival\"。不同的人可能习惯使用不同的说法,但它们都指的是中国的春节。

英语翻译如何翻译“春节前后”? -作业帮

最简单的翻译是\"during the Lunar New Year\"。其实,“Spring Festival”也可以表示春节,但这个词并不常用于英语中。

春节用英语怎么说? -懂得

The English phrase for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival\". For example, we are all together for the Spring Festival today. 由于春节,我们今天聚集在一起了。
